A bash one liner for getting snap data
There is always been some magic around bash one liners. They have the potential to do a lot but are incredibly hard to document, maintain and debug. For these reasons they are rarely seen in any code. I have always felt compelled by them, what can I use them for? How large could I build one?
After the snap refresh post, I felt I finally had a candidate use case: get snap information in a json structure. Also I got to use a new library (for me), jo to generate some jsons from terminal output.
And without further ado, here is the command:
snap list | awk 'NR > 1 {print $1}' | xargs -i sh -c 'snap_info=$(snap info {}) && snap_name=$(echo "$snap_info" | grep "name:" | cut -d ":" -f2) && snap_version=$(echo "$snap_info" | grep "installed:" | cut -d ":" -f2) && snap_date=$(echo "$snap_info" | grep "refresh-date:" | cut -d ":" -f2) && jo name="$(echo $snap_name)" | jo -f - version="$(echo $snap_version)" | jo -f - date="$(echo $snap_date)"' | jo -p -a >> snap_packages_summary.json
As it can be seen there are quite few things going on here, so lets break it down.
One liner objective
The objective of the command is to generate a json with data about installed snap packages, their latest update date and their version number.
Get a list of packages
snap list | awk 'NR > 1 {print $1}'
The packages name is the 1st column of the output of snap list command.
Getting more info about each snap
xargs -i sh -c 'snap_info=$(snap info {}) && snap_name=$(echo "$snap_info" | grep "name:" | cut -d ":" -f2) && snap_version=$(echo "$snap_info" | grep "installed:" | cut -d ":" -f2) && snap_date=$(echo "$snap_info" | grep "refresh-date:" | cut -d ":" -f2) && jo name="$(echo $snap_name)" | jo -f - version="$(echo $snap_version)" | jo -f - date="$(echo $snap_date)"'
Here is were most of the things happen. First there is xargs which takes the list generated in the step above and runs a function for each string. That function is a sh string command:
snap_info=$(snap info {}) && snap_name=$(echo "$snap_info" | grep "name:" | cut -d ":" -f2) && snap_version=$(echo "$snap_info" | grep "installed:" | cut -d ":" -f2) && snap_date=$(echo "$snap_info" | grep "refresh-date:" | cut -d ":" -f2) && jo name="$(echo $snap_name)" | jo -f - version="$(echo $snap_version)" | jo -f - date="$(echo $snap_date)"
The curly brackets in the first snap info {} are replaced with each snap package name. The output of the snap info command is stored and parsed. Each of the fields is retrieved with a pattern such as:
snap_name=$(echo "$snap_info" | grep "name:" | cut -d ":" -f2)
What this line does is search for the line which matches the regex “name:” then splits the line on the first occurrence of the “:” character and stores the string after “:” in the variable snap_name.
After the package name, version and update date has been obtained, a single json entry is built:
jo name="$(echo $snap_name)" | jo -f - version="$(echo $snap_version)" | jo -f - date="$(echo $snap_date)
Putting the packages info together
After the info for all the packages has been collected it is put into a list and saved to a file:
jo -p -a >> snap_packages_summary.json
Used bash syntax
The final command is indeed hard to read and understand. Clearly something you dont want your product to depend on. Also debugging one of these after 6 months will be painful. I dont think this command makes any complex stuff, but the bash syntax of a one liner makes is very hard to read. If this same one liner was to be written in a bash script it would be easier to read and understand. Even better yet, using a language such as python would make it much easier to understand.
While working on the one liner I could not stop remembering this old video.